84 Sadhanas of Asana in the Natha Sampradaya Tradition

Formal Sadhanas of the 84 Asanas: Learn and practice the formal Sadhanas (disciplines) of the traditional asanas, directly from an authentic lineage.

An intuitive guide for those interested in learning the Asanas the Himalayan Sadhus practice to this day.

Complete Guide - 7 Sadhanas of the 84 Asana in the Natha Sampradaya Tradition

Author: Yoga Natha
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84 Traditional Sadhanas of Asanas of the Natha Sampradaya Tradition

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7 Sadhanas of the 84 Asanas Audio and Videos
Audios and Videos of the 84 Traditional Asanas. What are postures (asanas), how do they work and what are they for? What is the difference between an asana and a “body mudra”? What does it take for an Asana to be an Asana? The regional variation of the names, are there “secrets” or “hidden teachings” in the names of the asanas? And the correct clarifications on the following concepts: Pranabandha, Stambha, Kaya Sthairyam, Dridha, Sthira, Sukshma and Sthula Vyayama, Asana-kriya, Mritasanas, etc.
Stephany Miller
Stephany Miller

"I never realized there was so much depth behind asanas until now. A new door just opened in my practice."

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