Basic CLReading
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This book contains complete impressions of the lessons in our program. We've done all the lesson preparation work for you! This is just the tip of the iceberg. The incredibly simple and effective step-by-step lessons will take your child from not knowing how to read to reading words, sentences, and even chapter books!
Give your child this great teaching advantage to learn how to read phonics and PA worksheets. These worksheets are designed to engage children in fun and stimulating phonics and PA activities! For all ages.
Give your child a big head start with the Children Learning Numbers & Math Workbook (digital)! Teach your child numbers, addition, subtraction, telling time, graphing, number sequencing, problem solving, and more with colorful and fun exercises!
A reference guide for parents to help their children recognize some of the most common sight words in English Language. Significantly increases your child's vocabulary and quickly improves reading and comprehension skills.
Video series that shows exactly how I teach the lessons that make it not only possible, but so simple and effective to teach even a 2.5 year old to read. You will see firsthand, lesson by lesson, the progress that can be made through my program. You will see precisely how I teach and enable my children to go from not knowing the letters of the alphabet to reading words and sentences, and from reading words and sentences to short stories.
These lesson stories are part of the learning program, and comes with colorful illustrations to make learning reading fun and engaging for every child. Watch your child develop into an amazing reader with our beautifully illustrated storybook.
I have created a complete set of mp3 audio clips demonstrating in detail how to correctly pronounce all phonics sounds, so you are better equipped to teach your child to pronounce words and read words, sentences and stories.
The complement of amazing activities to turn your child into a reader and speller. Advanced Step-by-Step Phonics lessons that will allow parents to help their children master the most important life skill for success.
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Basic CLReading