Empathetic Leadership
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Empathetic Leadership
Get your ebook today with Rosbel's Special Edition Cover. Empathetic Leadership comes with a requirement to invest time and/or effort to get to know the party you are dealing with. It is not a conduit of assent. Getting to know and learning more of your competitor/prospect/mentee will invariably dictate how strong and long-lasting a relationship you are able to create. This is of paramount importance in developing negotiation skills.
Negotiation requires two to tango and can be used to settle any difference of opinion. In business or public life, whether it is a sales proposal being delivered, a hostage crisis, a training session or other faceoff, the establishment of a bond or trust between two entities involved is essential for achieving a viable solution for both parties.
The establishment of an empathetic relationship does not imply agreement. A zero-sum proposal is not used in an empathetic leader's tool chest. Chris Voss, the acclaimed former FBI negotiator, states that: "In business, Tactical Empathy is the world's great hack for influence and for results." Perhaps you may like to learn more.
"Me gustó mucho. Porque a veces crees que la empatía es algo que traes desde casa, que aplicas en tu vida en el día a día, pero puedes olvidarlo en tu trabajo, es común ver a personas caer en "piloto automático" y juzgar antes de tiempo sin hacer las preguntas necesarias, ya sea para bien o para mal y cuando quieren negociar algo, claro, traen todas las de perder. Si tienes interés genuino, ser curioso te puede ayudar a generar confianza, pues te permite cuestionar y profundizar en lo que para la otra persona es importante y liderar situaciones complicadas."
Empathetic Leadership