Applied Statistics: Data Analysis (3 Volumes) by Learn Statistics Easily
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Applied Statistics: Data Analysis (3 Volumes) by Learn Statistics Easily
Applied Statistics: Data Analysis (3 Volumes) by Learn Statistics Easily
"Easy and clear reading! Well-prepared and illustrated material!"
"I'm a student in the Data Science bachelor's program, in the first semester. This is my first encounter with statistics, and I'd like to congratulate you on the content of the book – it's simply amazing! It has helped me a lot in my studies."
"Worth every penny spent."
You'll learn to analyze your data quickly, easily, and unquestionably
SIMPLE teaching methodology that will enable you to analyze your data independently in no time.
We cover ALL the steps and only what's truly necessary for data analysis.
We start with the validated principle that it's perfectly possible to analyze data accurately without understanding complex concepts or formulas.
Thus, this book will serve you well even if you don't know anything about statistics yet.
Note: All 3 digital volumes are included in this offer.
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